Tuesday, November 12, 2013

I've Been Warned.

So I was posting on the forum for ideas for this blog and someone said,"This is an offsite link and it shouldn't be here." So, I would say about ten minutes pass and I noticed when I was check if someone had replied to it and it was gone. Ten moments pass and see this come up:

As you can see this is a Banning message that can suspend you from your account.

The moderator wrote: "Don't post off-site links on Roblox. All links should go to www.roblox.com only." This mod is lying and this is why. In the Community Rules and Guidelines, found here: https://en.help.roblox.com/entries/221897, says you can post Roblox Links, Twitter Links, and YouTube Links. So the fact it says you can only do ROBLOX Links is clearly false. Also, you can post Twitter Links, or YouTube links that lead to Off-site links, but not Off-site links themselves. I believe it is kind of stupid that you cannot post other types of links like to Facebook, Blogger, Wikia, Reddit, etc. Now, I am only warned, but this concerns me that you can post a YouTube links, or Twitter links to lead to other websites instead of posting something that is at least RELATED to Roblox. Those websites posted on Twitter or YouTube can be not related and make them go to some inappropriate sites.

I am going to accept the Terms of Service but I find it really quite stupid and now I know to post a YouTube link to go to Off-Site link instead of Off-Site links themselves.